Ayurveda can cure Diabetes completely; here are the two ways by which you can cure Diabetes asily.
1. Make powder of cinnamon and mix 1/2 teaspoon of it in 1/2 glass of hot water and drink this solution early morning before eating or brushing your teeth. After having this solution, wait for about 30 min and then eat something. Continue it for 30 days and your sugar level will come down to normal.
2. Take 100 gm of fenugreek, 100 gm of bay leaf, 150 gm of Jamun seeds and 250 gm of Beli patra (Aegle marmelos) and make a paste of it and keep it in a container. Everyday take one teaspoon of this powder with water one hour before eating your lunch and dinner. Continue it for 90 days and you will be free of diabetes.