Saturday 5 July 2014

Health benefits of using Copper vessel

Storing water in copper and silver pots for purification of water finds mention in ancient texts of Ayurveda. This will kill all the micro-organisms that include virus and bacteria. 

“If you keep water in a copper vessel at room temperature, preferably overnight or at least for four hours, the water acquires a certain quality from the copper which is very good for your Health. 

Here are the health benefits of Copper:
  • Stimulates your brain
  • Slows down ageing
  • Pigmentation to hair and eyes
  • Can fight off cancer
  • Reduce bad cholesterol level (Weight loss) and increase beneficial cholesterol
  • Kill Microorganisms
  • Regulates the working of the thyroid gland
  • Skin, health and melanin production
  • Helps the digestive system perform better
  • Reduce bad cholesterol level (helps Weight loss) and increase beneficial cholesterol
  • Heal wound faster
  • Helps in the production of RBC (red blood cell hemoglobin)
  • Maintain cardiovascular health and beats hypertension
  • Required for proper absorption of iron
  • Essential for normal growth
Copper Vessels
Deficiency of copper can have the following symptoms in human beings: 
  •   Anemia
  •   Low body temperature
  •   Brittle bones
  •   Osteoporosis
  •   Dilated veins
  •   Low white blood cell count
  •   Uneven heartbeat
  •   Elevated cholesterol levels
  •   Low resistance to infections
  •   Birth defects
  •   Low skin pigmentation
  •   Thyroid disorders
If you don't have a copper vessel that's ok, even keeping a small copper plate in water container will also be very effective.

                                               Happy Reading.. Healthy Living.. :)

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